Saint Lawrence Market Wedding | Jina + Paul

I was happy to have done yet another urban wedding at the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto. As much I love photographing destination weddings and outdoor weddings in the greatest nature, I also felt that city weddings are always the core of it all. At least for myself, I started in photography with a strong interest in street photography. The people, the faces, the interactions, the movements, the culture, the decisive moments that got captured in a city, on the street always fascinated me. It never failed to give me tremendous fun to have a photo walk in a foreign city. In fact, that's what most of my travel photos were made up of. Lots of candid portraits of people in urban settings. To document love and urban weddings in Toronto's city core gave me comfort and joy. Jina and Paul were city people. They're quite hipster by my definition. I always felt that hipsters were those with a free spirit and an unique style. They're open minded and happy to have an alternative approach to things. They didn't try too hard to be different but they also didn't seem to care for fitting in. Jina and Paul were super easy going when I suggested weird ideas for creative wedding photos. It's such great fun working with these two and their young bridal party and loving friends. 

Lots of love,
